China introduces Commercial Quantum Computer aligning with Canada, United States and Europe
In the new race for Quantum Computers, China also presents the Commercial Quantum Computer, the first made by Origin Quantum Computing.
Foreword on the Quantum Computer
By Quantum Computer we mean a type of computer that works using the properties of quantum mechanics in order to be able to use an enormous calculation capacity. Why is this possible? These computers process information using Qubits (also called Quantum Bits). They are generally subatomic particles, such as photons and electrons, which, thanks to some properties of quantum mechanics, can assume either the value 0 or 1 or a combination of 0 and 1. This is where the difference with the classic computers we are used to is concentrated. The “classic” Bits are binary and therefore can only be in one of the two possible states (off/on) and consequently assume both the value of 0 and the value of 1, in a unique and alternative way.
The Qubit
A Qubit, on the other hand, can assume both values (0, 1) but also any combination of these two (0 and 1) through the superimposition of both states (in which a certain probability is created that it is a 0 and a certain probability whether it is one 1). This possibility of assuming multiple values at the same time therefore gives a quantum computer an exceptional computing power considerably higher than the classic computers that use Binary Bits.
The Commercial Quantum Computer
Now China also has its first specimen: The Commercial Quantum Computer. Chinese Origin Quantum Computing has produced this device equipped with 24 Qubits and called “Wuyuan”. The Eastern Country aligns with Europe, the United States and Canada in its offer. For now, the details are not very explicit, instead reaching the goal of having its own commercial quantum offer.
Scarce and uncertain news on the device. It only transpires that it seems to have 24 Qubits. Not even what kind of physical phenomenon is used to obtain these. In fact it is not allowed to know if it uses Ions, Josephson Junctions, or anything else. The definition declares that the company has produced a quantum annealing device, unable to perform any calculation, although able to solve optimization problems. All using lasers, even if it gives the impression that it is a different device.
The Commercial Quantum Computer
Origin Quantum Computing is the name of the company that presented the Commercial Quantum Computer, the first made in China. Very few details about it other than the presence of 24 Qubits in the device.
Calculator or Quantum Computer: a specific computer that proceeds using the quantum properties of matter. To carry out operations on data, it no longer uses the Bit on (1) or Off (0) but the quantum superpositions of the states and/or the use of entanglement. Technically it differs from a classic calculator, with transistors, which operates on binary data (encoded as Bits with value “0” or “1”) and operates using Quantum Bits, the Qubits. In these the quantum state can possess multiple values, or more precisely a single quantum value corresponding simultaneously to multiple classical values. The denomination Quantum Computing or even Quantum Computing identifies the discipline that in the theoretical and experimental fields presides over the development of Quantum Computing.
China Introduces First Commercial Quantum Computer
The Commercial Quantum Computer
Now China also has its first specimen: The Commercial Quantum Computer. Chinese Origin Quantum Computing has produced this device equipped with 24 Qubits and called “Wuyuan”. The Eastern Country aligns with Europe, the United States and Canada in its offer. For now, the details are not very explicit, instead reaching the goal of having its own commercial quantum offer.
Scarce and uncertain news on the device. It only transpires that it seems to have 24 Qubits. Not even what kind of physical phenomenon is used to obtain these. In fact it is not allowed to know if it uses Ions, Josephson Junctions, or anything else. The definition declares that the company has produced a quantum annealing device, unable to perform any calculation, although able to solve optimization problems. All using lasers, even if it gives the impression that it is a different device.
The Great Wall protects from without and within. What is enclosed in this huge wall is always rather difficult and complicated to understand. Especially for projects with a very high technological content. The way Origin Quantum Computing presents the launch of its jewel, The First Commercial Quantum Computer, is difficult to interpret and is based on propaganda news.
The Global Times claims that the first unit has already been delivered in 2021. It should be borne in mind that this newspaper is a Chinese daily tabloid that mainly focuses on international affairs. It is produced by Il Quotidiano del Popolo, the official press organ of the Communist Party of China.
The company also announced that it is ready “very soon” to present “Wukong”: a new model with greater computing power. As often happens, it is not known when this will happen, nor what are the specifications of the new device.
RSA – Encryption
In 1977 by Ronald RIVEST, Adi SHAMIR and Leonard ADLEMAN invented an asymmetric encryption algorithm in cryptography, usable to encrypt or sign information, identified with the initials RSA, the acronym of the surnames of the discoverers. Years earlier James H. ELLIS, Clifford COCKS and Malcolm J. WILLIAMSON of the British secret services had already devised this system although for reasons of military secrecy it was only revealed in 1977.
The encryption system is based on two distinct keys. They are used to encrypt and decrypt. The first key is used for encryption while the second must necessarily be used for decryption. And viceversa.
Without the knowledge of one of the two keys, the other cannot be traced despite the fact that the two keys are dependent on each other. This ensures the integrity of the encryption.
The Commercial Quantum Computer
Key security
In order to be reasonably secure, it is necessary to use binary keys of at least 2048 bits. In a few hours the 512 Bit ones can be solved and obtained. Still widely used today are the obsolete 1024-bit keys and therefore no longer advisable. The “large integers” are exposed to factorization. With this term, medium-large integers, the definition LONG (long integer) is used, which associates the variable with more memory space. This definition can also be written as LONG INT in the extended form. Through the use of sophisticated hardware this “security” has progressed rapidly. Today at the moment it would be possible to factor a 1024-bit integer in just one year of time. High cost of a million dollars but investable for any large group, organization, agency or intelligence that derives from this operation more remarkable figures or vital information.
The Future with the Commercial Quantum Computer
Now with the approach of the first Quantum Computers these public key encryption methods are exposed to the risk of being easily revealed. It seems to be towards a new “race to the Moon and Space” to immediately acquire the hegemony of control of access keys and virtual supremacy. In the last month of last year, 2022 Chinese researchers claimed to have found methods to solve the keys with only 372 Qubits. Many notes and controversies have arisen in this regard for this change of direction regarding what has been known so far, it also seems to be confirmed by a study carried out by the FUJITSU Company in this regard. Already ready and available there are new post-quantum ciphers but the stumbling block is their large-scale implementation which would require a considerable amount of time.
The Commercial Quantum Computer
The largest professional quantum computer to date
In mid-November 2022, IBM presented the largest professional quantum computer to date. Its name is Osprey and in its characteristics it boasts 433 Qubits, tripling this characteristic compared to its predecessor IBM Eagle and eight times compared to Sycamore, a quantum computer from Google which in 2019 achieved the so-called quantum supremacy. Darío GIL, senior vice president of IBM said that it will allow to address and solve the computational problems until now unsolvable.
For its realization, many impossible challenges were encountered and solved each time.
IBM researcher Oliver DIAL told New Scientist, a London-based magazine that examines all aspects of science and technology, that building the Osprey was quite complex. The continuous increase of Qubits disturbed the normal functioning of individual information units.
The operation of Osprey is particular: circuits made of superconducting materials have been built and these operate optimally only at temperatures close to – 273 degrees Celsius. It is therefore necessary that the quantum processor must be kept inside a special refrigerator.
This new supercomputer should surpass any traditional computer. IBM’s press release states that to match the performance of the new processor it would take the same number of bits as atoms in the entire Universe.
This new technology, the Commercial Quantum Computer, will be able to change Our Life towards a Better or Worse Future. However, it is not the discoveries that decline the verb to use but the use that the discoverer himself makes of it: “the Man”.
We wish with a capital “U”.